How to declutter your house to calm your anxiety
One of my triggers in my anxiety is unorganized places.
I can’t stand when I can’t find what I’m looking for plus structure gives me a good homely feeling in my house.
You might want to safe this post up that you find it later again. This is a pretty long one.
Do you know the feeling when you walk into a store and their front just looks cluttered? You don’t really want to buy anything or look for anything. I just want to get out.
Same in my house.
Of course its hard if you have 2 kids, 2 dogs and a husband who lives with you and they all have their “stuff”
But its a simple rule you can enforce that everything has its place.
Let’s start with the kitchen. Only Kitchen items belong there. Logically you might think but I bet of you go into your kitchen now you see things they could be in the office or should be in your babies room.
Our stairs sometimes become a storage front for all the things that have to go “back to where it belongs”
Placed just clutter up fast and that’s normal but realizing it before it becomes a mess again.
We love to cook and bake and for that you naturally need space so if that s who you are let me help you with some ideas.
- Put your not daily used kitchen items in the drawers and cupboards where you can’t directly see them.
- Put your food items like Bread or cookies into the pantry or the fridge. You can take them out again when you need them
- Dont leave your dishes out to dry, put them away immediately
- Start getting in the habit of putting things away as they come.
- Dont use the kitchen table as storage.
- Keep your surfaces clean
I know it sounds like a lot but the kitchen is usually the most visit place in the house and I now it can get messy quick. If you’re anything like me, this will definitely help you. Also don’t be scared to ask your family to help keep it tidy. If you don’t have the space to move everything away in cupboards or pantries id recommend to get clear containers to store away your items.
Okay next is Living room. One of my favorite places to be with my family but I can’t sit down when its messy.
- Store away blankets that you don’t need. I usually have one out and if we need another one we get it out the TV Bench
- During the day the pillows can be nicely arranged and look inviting
- Don’t leave the toys everywhere. Use bins and you don’t have to worry to be stepping on anything pointy. Like Lego yikes!
Now what about the office. OMG I clean it up every day. Its mostly me that uses the office daily and I have my paperwork for our insurance business out, books and pens etc to do my daytime job efficiently.
- Whatever you use put it away immediately. Like your stapler. Put not back into the drawer, the hole-puncher
- Create binders and get a handle of your paperwork. How about everything that belongs to Insurance has one, House, Kids, Bank etc. Dont let it pile up and if its not important THROW IT OUT! Yes I had situations where I wanted to cry because I threw something important out, but anything is replaceable if that happens.
- Put your books in a shelf, but mount it at the wall. Important if you have young kids that love to pull themselves up like mine.
- A clean desk can free your mind and will inspire you to have a productive day.
Bed room is simple. We are here in Florida and at the end of the day everything we wore that day goes into the hamper. Barely anything is reused which solves the problem of piling up laundry in the bedroom. I like to cuddle here and I would not be able to sleep if I could see a clutter space in the corner of my eye.
- Put dirty laundry in the hamper
- Clean laundry in the closet
- Make your bed every day. Wait how you feel when you come back at night and it’s all straight and the pillows are organized. I get excited just thinking about it.
- Make it look nice but don’t overdecorate it.
For the kids I have the same rule. Have your rooms tidy and make your bed, put clothes in hamper or in closet. Clean your trashcan.
Now further is the rule through out the house of
- Put it back after you used it
- If you haven’t used it in a month, you probably won’t need it anymore. THROW IT OUT
- Light a inscent or plug a wallflower with some good scent that you like
- Open the windows when you can and let fresh air in
- Keep the electronics turned off when you can
These are just tips that help me on my daily routines and showed great success in my day but also in my workflow.
Comment underneath if I forgot something or you have a good tip for us.