What do if you have anxiety at night

When all is quiet and dark, you laying down and there it is. 

A panic attack. 

Nothing can distract you from the fear and no help seems to be in sight. 

For your family and friends it is often difficult to understand what you are going through when falling asleep. 

Panic Attack Symptoms At Night

The good news is that panic attacks rarely last a long time. 

They usually last between three minutes and half an hour.

Usually your symptoms are:

  • shortness of breath
  • Feelings of oppression
  • tightness in the chest
  • tension
  • chills
  • dizziness

Anyone who has ever woken up from a nightmare with anxiety has an idea of ​​the fears you have to go through at night. 

The panic catches you in a phase in which we surrender to the world with a basic trust and give up control unprotected. 

At night when we sleep, we should feel safe. But when you have a panic attack, your sense of security suddenly falls overboard.

In addition to a fear of dying, there are other feelings like:

  • fear of going insane
  • feeling like you are not yourself
  • feeling of losing control

Negative thoughts are usually what triggered it. 

Panic attacks before falling asleep can also cause symptoms of anxiety and panic. Usually when you go to bed, you are tired and exhausted from the day and want to rest. 

Suddenly a feeling of fear rises up from your stomach, your head is spinning, a feeling like dizziness spreads in your head.

Breathing quickens, heartbeat quickens and panic sets in. If you have a lot of stress, private or job troubles, stress hormones are released. 

Panic attacks during sleep 

Prevent panic attacks with these tips

  • Exercise
  • Avoid alcohol, drugs or too much caffeine. 
  • Treat your body to relaxation and care. 
  • Breathing exercises 

Create your sleeping environment lovingly so that you feel good. 

If it’s too dark at night, get a small night light.

The most important thing when you have a panic attack at night is to bring yourself back to the here and now.

This is not easy, especially when severe symptoms such as shortness of breath or palpitations or the fear of dying drive you crazy. It is important to practice a few measures in advance so that you can call them up in the situation.

These tips serve as first aid for panic attacks at night:

  • Light on
  • Distract yourself by sitting up
  • Run cold water over wrists
  • Turn on music immediately 
  • direct your breathing to your tummy 
  • Smell lavender oil

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